Training young talents
training young talent


Our newest trainee is called Laura Jähnichen and she is completing her internship in our MICE department in our head office in Palma de Mallorca. Laura was born and grew up in Dresden, Germany and is currently studying International Tourism- and Event Management in her sixth semester.

Her passion is travelling to new countries and exploring different cultures. “In this internship I want to develop myself and strengthen my skills in the event management industry”, she assures. Her internship at maximice event group will be for five months and it will give her a closer and better look behind the scenes of organizing MICE events. “I always knew that I wanted to work in this field and last year when I helped with the organization of the Special Olympics National Games in Berlin, I was sure that organizing events is the area I want to work in.” She is an open and very organized person, and she likes to meet new people and travel to new places. Next to having danced ballet for many years, another hobby of hers is exploring cities and landscapes. This is one of the reasons why she loves Palma de Mallorca and the entire island of Mallorca with its many facets and activities.

We hope that we will inspire and motivate her to continue to grow in her professional path in the events industry. We are proud to be able to contribute to the training of future professionals and leaders in our sector.
